再戰水袖 (Take the Challenge of Water-Sleeves Dance Again)

今年(2011)年初, 葉老師再次開了水袖班。一來是不斷有新同學詢問, 再者我們這些舊生也想再精進自己的水袖工夫。剛開班時, 同學人數還有10人左右, 沒想到上著上著又回到6人左右, 老師笑說我們是研究所班, 功力不到或毅力不夠者是無法畢業的。

由於學生人數減少, 再加上僅4位舊生有學過水袖, 因此葉老師很早就宣布週五水袖班將不會排舞, 但會正常上課, 讓我們可以專心地將水袖的基本功練好。沒想到六月中時葉老師突然告訴我們這4位舊生, 從七月開始每週日下午我們要與團員班的4位妹妹們一起排練成果展的水袖舞碼。聽聞這個消息的我既開心又擔心。開心的是, 可以再次在舞台上表演水袖; 擔心的是要在短短的兩個月內學完一支舞, 而且還是與團員班一起表演, 真的沒問題嗎? 會不會拖累了團員班的妹妹們? 更何況筱楓老師已將整支舞的動作及隊形排完了, 我們真的追得上嗎?

第一次與團員班妹妹們合併排練時, 看著她們純熟且技巧高超的動作, 我偷偷地在一旁捏了好幾把冷汗。與去年「且吟春語」不同的是, 這支舞在一開始就有很多出收袖的動作, 不僅頻率高, 且各種收袖的方式都有, 只要袖子沒收好, 連帶地就會影響到下個動作。跳了幾次, 沒有一次是成功地將袖子漂亮的收回到我的手掌中, 總是會留下一大段在手掌外飄啊飄的, 真的好挫折喔!

幾經考量, 終於下定決心將袖長縮短10公分, 而且當天回到家的第一件事就是將此工作完成, 免得我又三心二意了。其實一直以來老師和同學們都曾建議過我, 只是我還是想挑戰一下自己的能力, 不想輕易妥協。但現在情況不同了, 我不想因為袖長的問題而影響舞碼的學習與排練。再者, 若袖長縮短了而我仍無法順利且漂亮的收袖時, 才能更快地找到問題所在, 然後去做調整與修正。同時, 也才有較多的時間與心力放在舞蹈動作的記憶與舞感的揣摩上。

Early this year, we started water-sleeves dance course again. Not only because there were some new students interested in it and frequently checked with Teacher Yeh, but we, old students, also would like to refine our skills. In the beginning there were about 10 students in the class but now only 6 left. “This is Master course,” Teacher Yeh teased “and it’s hard to get graduated if one does not have patience and diligence.

As the number of students has decreased and among us there are only four students learned water-sleeves dance before, Teacher Yeh had already announced that we would not have a program in this year’s performance show but we will still learn and practice some essential techniques of water-sleeves dance. In June Teacher Yeh suddenly told us, the four old students, that we are going to perform a classical water-sleeves dance with another 4 youths from advanced class. And we are going to have choreography courses in the Sunday afternoons starting from July. I am happy because of the chance to learn and perform another water-sleeves dance program again. But I am also a bit worried because we have only 8 courses to learn a new program while those youths had learned all of the movements already. And to dance with them is kind of challenge and stress to us.

At our first course, Teacher Yeh asked those 4 youths to dance what Teacher Maple have taught and choreographed so she can know how and where to put us in. The style of this program is different from what we performed last year. It has many different types of sleeves-return movements and they are frequently used. If one fails a sleeves-return movement, her next movement will be affected consequently. We practiced several times and I never have good sleeves-return movements, not even once. There was always a length of sleeves out of my palm. So frustrated!

After the class, I made up my mind to shorten the sleeves 10 centimeters and have done it right after I was home; otherwise, I might change my mind again. I didn’t consider this option before even my teacher and classmates had suggested me several times because I didn’t want to surrender to it without trying. But now the situation was different. I couldn’t let the long sleeves to affect my study and practice. If with shorter sleeves and I still cannot have good sleeves-return movements, the problem will definitely not be the length of sleeves but my movements. I can then focus on examining my movements to find out problems and fix them. Also, I would have more time and energy to memorize new movements and to think how to express this program.

邀請函 (Invitation Card)

雖然只是一場在舞蹈教室表演的小型成果展, 但老師們還是希望能有個正式的邀請函, 讓大朋友、小朋友們可以拿去邀請自己的親朋好友前來觀賞我們的演出。在經費有限的情況下, 我們決定自己動手做。本來一切都安排好了, 那知竟狀況百出…

首先是美鈴老師用來拍我們著裝彩排的相機突然沒電, 還好有其他同學的相機可以借用; 等到拍完要上傳到電腦了才突然發現Angel的相機是Sony的, 沒有Sony專用的傳輸線, 根本沒法將照片傳到電腦上做編輯, 好在美鈴老師的那台相機不是Sony的; 將照片傳到舞蹈教室的桌機後, 我們才想到「啊! 糟糕! 沒帶隨身碟, 怎麼將照片轉存到老師的筆電上哩!」 (註: 老師的筆電才有photoimpact可以編輯照片), 好在舞蹈教室的桌機可以上網, 我們可以利用email的方式讓老師在她的筆電上收照片; 好不容易將選定的照片都寄出去了, 這才想到網路線只有一條, 只好從桌機上將網路線拔下來再插到筆電上; 好不容易存取到照片, 也完成了照片編輯, 又得再將處理好的照片寄到我的電子信箱, 然後利用桌機的Word檔完成邀請函的文字與圖相的編輯, 再送到印表機列印。

雖然整個製造的過程還蠻曲折的, 但效果還不錯哩! 而且, 還好有兩台電腦可以同時作業, 多少加快了處理的速度。

Although this is just a small show in our dance studio, teachers would still like to formally invite our family and friends to come and view our performance. As the budget is limited, we decided to make one by ourselves. Everything was arranged in advance but some unexpected situations did happen…

First, the battery of Teacher Mei-Ling’s camera was suddently dead during our rehearsall. Luckily, student Angel had one. When we completed the rehearsal and the photo shooting then prepared to upload the photos to the desktop, we suddently found that it’s impossible to do so becasuse Angel didn’t take the specific USB cable of Sony camera with her. Luckily, Teacher Mei-Ling’s camera isn’t Sony and she did take some photos. After we uploaded the photos onto the desktop, we realized that neither of us had USB drive at hand. But the PhotoImpact program was in Teacher Mei-Ling’s laptop. How could we transmit those photo? Luckily, the desktop had cable line to connect to the Internet. We can use emails to do the transmission. After emailed out those selected photos from the desktop, we had to pull the cable line out from the desktop and insert it to the laptop in order to receive those photos via email from the laptop. While Teacher Mei-Ling used her laptop doing the photo editing, I used the desktop to edit the layout of our invitation card. Afterwards, we repeated all of the works to transmit the photos onto the desktop, then combined them witht the words of the invitation. Finally, we printed it out to check, revise, and then finalize.

Althought the processes weren’t very smooth, it looks good anyway. And in the end we were glad that we had 2 computers to work on, which did accelerate the process a bit.

已具雛形的小劇場 (Our small theatre is almost ready)

因應7月3號的成果展演出, 美玲老師決定讓我們與前一班的小朋友們一同上課,將兩班原本各2個小時的上課時段合併為3個小時, 一來方便整場順排, 另一方便也培養大家的默契, 同時還可互相切磋觀摩。

此次的成果展, 老師將其定位為社區型的小劇場演出, 表演場地就在我們平常練習的舞蹈教室裏。為了將教室改裝成表演場地, 幾個月前美玲老師與凌老師就已在裁布綘製所需的側幕與大幕、訂製舞台專用的地板與燈光。上週我們利用下課後的一點點時間幫忙釘了掛幕用的金屬圈, 把側幕和大幕都掛上。週日上課時, 發現連地板也鋪好了哩! 只是全新的地板有點澀澀的, 轉圈時會形成一股阻力, 還會幫舞者把軟鞋脫掉喔!

小劇場的樣貌已大致底定了, 接下來就看各舞碼表演者的表現囉!

The date of our dance show has finally be settled on July 3rd. In order to have more chances to rehearse for the whole program in sequences and to be in the same wavelength with young performers from the other class, starting from this week and till the performance date we will have classes together.
The show has been defined as a play in a small theatre and will be present in our dance studio. In order to transform our class into a theatre, Teachers has started wroking on the curtains, lights and formal dance floor a few months ago. Last Sunday after the class we tried helping a little bit on the curtains. When we had class this Sunday, we even got the formal dance floor ready. Just the new floor is too new to twirl smoothly. It would even make a dancers’ ballet shoes loose.

Our small theatre is almost ready. Dancers, it’s now your turn!



















克難的藏族熱巴鼓一 (Mock Tibetan Re-Ba Drum – Part 1)

(上圖是我們的克難熱巴鼓, 下圖是真的熱巴鼓)

雖然還有很多的藏族基本動作沒學, 但新年度的開始, 老師還是按照原訂計劃開始教授我們熱巴鼓的基本動作, 希望我們至少能有一些機會多了解藏族舞的不同元素。

可是, 台灣坊間的舞蹈用品社根本沒有熱巴鼓的存貨, 應該是因為市場需求太少的緣故吧! 因此, 老師想到先以漢族的「波鼓」暫代。誰知, 青龍的這一批「波鼓」的鼓柄竟然奇短無比, 甚至比小朋友用的還短, 真是被打敗了。

老師說, 為了預防鼓面被我們打沒幾次就破, 建議我們兩面都貼上膠帶, 這樣即使敲破了, 有膠帶的保護, 鼓面也不會馬上就全部凹陷。至於原來所附的鼓棒, 一來太短了, 再者, 也與熱巴鼓的鼓棒不符。老師於是找來太平鼓所用的鼓棒, 棒頭有一點彎彎的, 然後再教我們用衛生紙將棒頭包得圓圓的, 這樣至少有七分像了吧! 而那太短的鼓柄, 在大家集思廣義下決定找水管來加長, 期待下回上課時就有加長版的鼓柄可用, 呵… 呵…

今天的熱巴鼓動作中有好多翻轉鼓面的動作, 不知是誰先起頭的, 竟將其比喻成像是拿平底鍋的動作, 一時之間誰平常最常炒菜, 誰最不常下廚的猜測都紛紛出爐了, 想是大家手握鼓柄握得太酸了, 趁機摸魚休息吧! ^^

下課後, 因為鼓要留下來加工 (註: 謝謝葉老大, 您辛苦了), 還有同學開玩笑說, 回家後就拿平底鍋練習吧! 會不會太認真了一點呢?

規劃一場小劇場的成果展 — Part 1 (Plan a dance show in a small theatre – Part 1)

In the December last year Teacher Mei-Ling have communicated with us that she thinks it’s time for us to have a dance show in the middle of Year 2011. The show will be present in our dance studio where we are more familiar with only the danceable area will be half of our normal practice space because the other half will be for the audience. Although there are still some months to practice, considering how many programs each dancer shall shoulder, memorize, and be prepared (roughly count, each may have 4~6 programs), I can now feel a little bit the tense.

去年年底美玲老師就先預告今年會為我們規劃一場小型的成果發表會。才剛過完元旦, 老師已迫不及待地告訴我們她的規劃…

這個小劇場型態的成果發表會地點就在我們最熟悉的舞蹈教室, 只是表演空間約為我們平常練習空間的一半, 因為要預留一半的空間做為觀眾席; 表演的方向也會稍微有些不同, 當然不能面對鏡子跳囉。

雖然是在舞蹈教室, 但還是會比照正式演出的規格。也就是說, 會要正式著裝, 會有燈光、布幕、地板…等, 所以表演出來的品質當然也必須符合正式舞台演出的標準。

這個演出預計是在暑假。雖說還有半年, 而且多是以這2年教過的舞碼為主。可是算算, 每人平均得負擔4~6支舞碼, 而其中有些舞碼動作我們早就全部還給老師了。看來不繃緊些是不行的了。 ^^|||