已具雛形的小劇場 (Our small theatre is almost ready)

因應7月3號的成果展演出, 美玲老師決定讓我們與前一班的小朋友們一同上課,將兩班原本各2個小時的上課時段合併為3個小時, 一來方便整場順排, 另一方便也培養大家的默契, 同時還可互相切磋觀摩。

此次的成果展, 老師將其定位為社區型的小劇場演出, 表演場地就在我們平常練習的舞蹈教室裏。為了將教室改裝成表演場地, 幾個月前美玲老師與凌老師就已在裁布綘製所需的側幕與大幕、訂製舞台專用的地板與燈光。上週我們利用下課後的一點點時間幫忙釘了掛幕用的金屬圈, 把側幕和大幕都掛上。週日上課時, 發現連地板也鋪好了哩! 只是全新的地板有點澀澀的, 轉圈時會形成一股阻力, 還會幫舞者把軟鞋脫掉喔!

小劇場的樣貌已大致底定了, 接下來就看各舞碼表演者的表現囉!

The date of our dance show has finally be settled on July 3rd. In order to have more chances to rehearse for the whole program in sequences and to be in the same wavelength with young performers from the other class, starting from this week and till the performance date we will have classes together.
The show has been defined as a play in a small theatre and will be present in our dance studio. In order to transform our class into a theatre, Teachers has started wroking on the curtains, lights and formal dance floor a few months ago. Last Sunday after the class we tried helping a little bit on the curtains. When we had class this Sunday, we even got the formal dance floor ready. Just the new floor is too new to twirl smoothly. It would even make a dancers’ ballet shoes loose.

Our small theatre is almost ready. Dancers, it’s now your turn!

