首先是美鈴老師用來拍我們著裝彩排的相機突然沒電, 還好有其他同學的相機可以借用; 等到拍完要上傳到電腦了才突然發現Angel的相機是Sony的, 沒有Sony專用的傳輸線, 根本沒法將照片傳到電腦上做編輯, 好在美鈴老師的那台相機不是Sony的; 將照片傳到舞蹈教室的桌機後, 我們才想到「啊! 糟糕! 沒帶隨身碟, 怎麼將照片轉存到老師的筆電上哩!」 (註: 老師的筆電才有photoimpact可以編輯照片), 好在舞蹈教室的桌機可以上網, 我們可以利用email的方式讓老師在她的筆電上收照片; 好不容易將選定的照片都寄出去了, 這才想到網路線只有一條, 只好從桌機上將網路線拔下來再插到筆電上; 好不容易存取到照片, 也完成了照片編輯, 又得再將處理好的照片寄到我的電子信箱, 然後利用桌機的Word檔完成邀請函的文字與圖相的編輯, 再送到印表機列印。
雖然整個製造的過程還蠻曲折的, 但效果還不錯哩! 而且, 還好有兩台電腦可以同時作業, 多少加快了處理的速度。
First, the battery of Teacher Mei-Ling’s camera was suddently dead during our rehearsall. Luckily, student Angel had one. When we completed the rehearsal and the photo shooting then prepared to upload the photos to the desktop, we suddently found that it’s impossible to do so becasuse Angel didn’t take the specific USB cable of Sony camera with her. Luckily, Teacher Mei-Ling’s camera isn’t Sony and she did take some photos. After we uploaded the photos onto the desktop, we realized that neither of us had USB drive at hand. But the PhotoImpact program was in Teacher Mei-Ling’s laptop. How could we transmit those photo? Luckily, the desktop had cable line to connect to the Internet. We can use emails to do the transmission. After emailed out those selected photos from the desktop, we had to pull the cable line out from the desktop and insert it to the laptop in order to receive those photos via email from the laptop. While Teacher Mei-Ling used her laptop doing the photo editing, I used the desktop to edit the layout of our invitation card. Afterwards, we repeated all of the works to transmit the photos onto the desktop, then combined them witht the words of the invitation. Finally, we printed it out to check, revise, and then finalize.
Althought the processes weren’t very smooth, it looks good anyway. And in the end we were glad that we had 2 computers to work on, which did accelerate the process a bit.