這是我們到豫和的第一次成果展, 也是豫和第一回有成人演出的年度發表會, 對我們彼此來說都是全新的體驗吧!
This was the first dance performance we had in Yu-Ho. It’s also the first dance performance including adults’ show for Yu-Ho. For both of us, it’s a fresh experience.
猶記得5月初確定我們將以水袖做為在豫和初試啼聲的作品時, 我和Bekey都很佩服葉老師的勇氣, 可一方面也有些提心吊膽的, 才短短4個月我們真的可以練得好水袖這支舞嗎?
In order to have a good start, our program had been changed several times. Finally in the beginning of May, Teacher Yeh decided to choreograph “Water/Shake Sleeves Dance” for us. Frankly, Bekey and I were very worried not only because we only had 4 months to study and practice but also we both know that how difficult a Water/Shake Sleeves Dance can be.
所謂「水袖」並不是用水做成的袖子, 而是在原本的袖子前面裝飾加長的白綢子, 透過舞動長長的白綢來表現情感或意象。一般來說, 水袖的長度約為臂長的2倍, 因此水袖舞的基本動作中最難的首推「收袖」了。要將這般長度的袖子整齊的、美麗的、一層層的在一個動作內推疊回手心中, 光是想像就頭皮發麻了。
“Water Sleeves Dance” doesn’t mean that dancing with sleeves made by water but with an attached long white silk in addition to the original length of sleeves to express emotion or create imagination. Usually the length of “Water Sleeves” is two times long of one’s arm to hand. Hence, the most difficult movement of “Water Sleeves Dance” is to return the long white silk back to your palms orderly, one layer after the other beautifully.
事實證明, 「收袖」真的不是個簡單的動作; 但, 葉老師的編舞能力也真不是蓋的。一剛開始, 大部分的同學都很興奮, 可是練習了1個月, 老師和我們自己都快昏倒了, 因為真的「收」得很醜! 再者, 夏天練水袖真的是一大折磨, 無論冷氣開得多強, 一堂課跳下來, 水袖衣內的緊身衣還是濕漉漉的。過程中也曾有同學萌生退意, 好在大部分的同學還是意志堅強的一起撐過來了。當然, 葉老師也為了我們做了些調整, 將舞蹈注入較多的現代舞元素、縮短袖長、減少收袖的頻率、週日加排…等。直到當日下午彩排時, 我們還被老師唸「你們的袖子收得好醜, 去後台練」。不曉得是大家臨時抱佛腳真的有用, 還是平日被操練得久、罵得夠, 正式演出時, 大家的袖子都有收到, 而且還很整齊哩! 只有我在剛剛開始時沒多久, 就「碰」得跌了一跤, 算是最大的意外吧! 幸運的是, 我只是被褲腳絆倒, 沒扭到腳, 算是不幸中的大幸吧!
Some classmates were so exciting in the beginning but became frustrated after 1 month practice because they couldn’t make the water sleeves back to their palms as they wish. So did I sometimes. Besides, it was in summer; wearing water sleeves and keeping practice the same movements again and again made us sweat a lot. Even though some did think of quitting, most were diligent and practiced hard. Teacher Yeh also modified a lot of movements for us, such as changing the dance style from traditional Chinese folk dance to a bit modern, cutting the length of water sleeves, reducing the frequency of returning water sleeves, having one more class on Sunday, etc. However, in the afternoon rehearsal on the performance date, one still could hear Teacher Yeh yell at us about our movements especially for returning our water sleeves. Maybe we did practice hard afterwards; we had a good show during the performance. The only imperfect part was that I fell on the stage because I stepped on my trousers. Well… at least I just fell not twisted my ankles.
By 禹樺 (Rainy)